Provost addressing attendees at brainstorming session for Convergence Labs @VCU-AI+ in April 2024.
Convergence Labs @VCU is a university-wide effort and is coordinated from the Office of the Provost.
During the 2023-24 academic year, the One VCU Academic Repositioning Task Force put forth recommendations for new structural models to enhance support of transdisciplinary research and collaboration including virtual forms. The Convergence Labs @VCU stems from these recommendations and will be a model for supporting transdisciplinary research while creating experiential learning opportunities for students. It will include developing new curriculum, courses and programs. For the structure and description of Convergence Labs @VCU in a general sense, see the tabs linked on the gray side panel.
Convergence Labs @ VCU - AI+ is VCU’s signature university-wide initiative focused on applied generative artificial intelligence for the public good. A phased plan will serve as the vision for moving this Convergence Lab forward.
In mid-February 2024, an email to the Deans outlined the launch of the Convergence Labs @ VCU - AI+ on Wednesday, April 10th, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. at the VCU College of Humanities and Sciences STEM Building.
A brief survey was included for faculty to respond so that the information can be used as the basis for the launch and vision steps. Responses were received from over 150 faculty on the Health Sciences, Monroe Park and VCU-Qatar campuses with AI areas of research related to art, computing, ethics and integrity, health disparities, medicine, neuroscience, and teaching and learning, courses and curriculum. As part of the launch, faculty engaged in structured brainstorming discussions across these areas to share research interests and develop collaborations.
Curricular innovations, new courses and programs related to the various areas of AI+ are handled by Academic Affairs, Office of the Provost. Contact Andrew Arroyo, Interim Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Associate Vice Provost for Academic Programs (email: atarroyo@vcu.edu).
As of January 2025, there are several Convergence Labs @VCU in different stages of development. The former iCubed cores have been integrated into the Convergence Labs @VCU model.
- Convergence Labs@VCU - AI+: Was initiated in association with the launch of the Convergence Labs @VCU initiative in spring 2024; 163 faculty indicated interest in the lab. The lab comprises seven clusters: (1) Art and Creative Expression; (2) Computing; (3) Ethics and Integrity; (4) Health Disparities (5) Medicine; (6) Neuroscience; and (7) Teaching and Learning.
- Convergence Labs@VCU - Mental Health: Was initiated in fall 2024. An interest form was widely distributed to faculty in early October 2024 - 112 faculty indicated interest in the lab. A brainstorming session was held on October 28, 2024 to engage interested faculty in discussions about potential collaboration. The lab comprises five clusters: (1) Behavioral Neuroscience; (2) Global Mental Health; (3) Technology; (4) Stress,Trauma and Mental Health; and (5) Workforce & Organizational Research. An additional session of select faculty from the MP and Health Sciences campuses is planned for January 2025.
- Convergence Labs @VCU - Health Equity: The lab is based on the former i-Cubed cores and includes 38 faculty. The lab comprises four clusters: (1) Culture, Race and Health; (2) Health and Wellness Across the Lifespan; (3) Oral Health Research in Children and Adolescents; and (4) Sustainable Food Access.
Additional Convergence Labs @VCU
New Convergence Labs @VCU will be identified in partnership with faculty and will focus on advancing VCU’s strategic research and educational priorities.