Distinguished Faculty Awards


The Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Administration established the Distinguished Faculty Awards Program to recognize and honor faculty who have distinguished themselves in teaching, scholarship, service and overall excellence. For past awardees, please see here.

The 2024 call for nominations for the Distinguished Faculty Awards Program is now open. The first deadline for submission of nominations is March 15, 2024. The full timeline is listed below under announcement of award recipients and timeline. Recipients will be honored by the university in fall 2024.


There are seven (7) different award categories: Distinguished Teaching Award, Distinguished Scholarship Award, Distinguished Service Award, Outstanding Early Career Faculty Award, Outstanding Term Faculty Award, Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award, and the University Award of Excellence. The eligibility criteria for each award are provided below. 

Submission Requirements

In order to ensure that faculty from all schools are considered for the awards, each school or college is expected to submit at least two (2) nominations each year. Self-nominations will also be considered. Nomination submissions must be prepared using: (i) standard 8.5 x 11 page size; (ii) standard one-inch margins; (iii) single-spaced; (iv) at least size 11 point Arial font and (v) formatting must be consistent in all narrative sections. Additional submission requirements for each award are listed under each award description.

  • Each nomination package should be limited to not more than 20 pages, single-sided, including the cover sheet
  • Candidates should also submit a full curriculum vitae separate from and in addition to the 20-page limit on nomination materials. 
  • Nomination packets must contain three letters of support (unless stated otherwise), with each letter no longer than 3 single spaced pages and three testimonials a maximum of 2 single spaced pages. Testimonials can include: brief statements with each being 250 words max; a max of 2 short videos of no more than 3 minutes each; the generic testimonial form available here.
  • Requirements for minimum years at VCU are listed under each specific award.  Nominees are eligible for re-nomination every three years.
  • Additional award specific requirements are listed under each award.

Important Note: If any part of your nomination package is plagiarized -- defined as the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit -- you will be disqualified and/or your award will be rescinded.  Richard Posner's book, The Little Book of Plagiarism [NY: Random House; 2007] is a helpful resource if you would like to learn more about plagiarism.



Awards Process

For clarifications or questions, please email vpfacaffrs@vcu.edu.
