Operating Manual for Convergence Labs @VCU
Revised October 2024, December 2024, February 2025
Prepared by Lisa Abrams and Mangala Subramaniam[1]
© 2024, Faculty Affairs, Office of the Provost, VCU
VCU has had several faculty focused efforts for advancing transdisciplinary research aimed at addressing persistent societal challenges in the local community while advancing research innovation and impact at scale. One of these efforts included the formation of the former Institute for Inclusion, Inquiry and Innovation (iCubed) in 2015, with the primary goal of promoting and sustaining transdisciplinary research designed to solve the enduring challenges experienced by urban communities. In order to achieve this goal, iCubed implemented several strategic efforts to recruit diverse faculty, postdoctoral fellows and VCU students to the core research programs. These efforts included the Cluster Hiring Initiative and Program, Visiting Scholars Program, Pathways to the Professoriate and the Commonwealth Scholars Program. All VCU schools and colleges were eligible to submit collaborative concept proposals to promote the goals of iCubed, creative activity and scholarship, to establish the transdisciplinary cores. Approved proposals informed the interdisciplinary focus for the cluster hiring and visiting scholar initiatives. An initial five transdisciplinary cores were formed based on the 2015 concept proposals and the iCubed hiring initiatives. The call for concept proposals was reissued in 2018. Since 2015 eight iCubed cores have been developed. In spring 2023, the oversight of iCubed was moved under the Office of the Provost and housed in Faculty Affairs. This also led to a review of the structure and processes of iCubed by the Office of the Provost. It resulted in a separation of the Commonwealth Scholars Program (CSP) and iCubed. The CSP was moved to Academic Affairs and is now merged with the undergraduate research programs/initiatives. iCubed is with Faculty Affairs as Convergence Labs @VCU.
During the 2023-24 academic year, The One VCU Academic Repositioning Task Force put forth recommendations for new structural models to enhance support of transdisciplinary research and collaboration including virtual consortia. The Convergence Labs @VCU stems from these recommendations and it is developed in partnership between the Office of the Provost, the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences, and the Vice President for Research and Innovation (OVPRI). Convergence Labs @VCU will be a model for supporting an interdisciplinary collaborative research culture and sustainable infrastructure to encourage research that fosters innovative advancements, experiential learning opportunities for students, and contributes to curricular innovations. The review of proposals for new Convergence Labs follows a standardized process in order to prioritize strategic investments in new Convergence Labs. This document describes the structure, goals, types of faculty membership and roles, and networking activities that are central to the ways in which Convergence Labs is envisioned. The existing ‘iCubed cores’ were realigned within the Convergence Labs @VCU as clusters within an overarching area of research.
The goals of the Convergence Labs @VCU include the following:
- Promote transdisciplinary research.
- Facilitate collaborative teams that can respond to RFPs, collaborate on large-scale grant proposals and projects, and lead center grants by creating synergy around topics.
- Increase coherence among efforts across clusters and within various Convergence Labs to address strategic priorities.
- Enhance community relationships and partnerships to broaden VCU’s local and state impact.
- Diversify faculty expertise within clusters to foster community and ensure multiple perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences influence creative methods and invent solutions to societal problems.
- Create connections among faculty to develop innovative credit and non-credit courses and programs related to topical areas.
Convergence Labs @VCU is tiered, where each lab houses various clusters representing interrelated topics (see Figure 1). This structure supports efficient communication and nimble approaches to collaboration and team science. Further, the structure encourages innovative and creative collaborations within and across labs that can shape interdisciplinary academic programs, foster innovative student learning and enrichment opportunities, and heighten community impact.
Figure 1. Example of Structure of Convergence Labs @VCU
Existing iCubed cores have been transitioned into Convergence Labs. New Convergence Labs @VCU will be identified in partnership with faculty and will focus on advancing VCU’s strategic research and educational priorities. Current priority areas identified by faculty include: (a) AI for the betterment of society and (b) mental health.
Initial brainstorming sessions were organized for the Convergence Labs @VCU-AI+ and for the Convergence Labs @VCU - Mental Health in 2024.The initial brainstorming session for the Convergence Labs @VCU - Mental Health was organized in fall 2024. An additional Convergence Labs @VCU - Mental Health session with selected faculty from the Monroe Park and Health Sciences campuses was held in early spring 2025.
New faculty-led proposals for Convergence Labs will be considered by the Office of the Provost in partnership with the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences, and the Vice President for Research and Innovation.
Leadership Structure: Convergence Labs could be led either by a single faculty leader or by two co-leaders as appropriate. Clusters under a Convergence Lab will operate with a chair or co-chairs. Details are provided below.
Convergence Labs @VCU aims to promote transdisciplinary research and community engaged projects within and across clusters. There are general expectations for all members:
- Collaborate on grants, projects, publications, building or creating new courses/minors within each cluster
- Engage and respond to programmatic communications in a timely manner
- Participate in all requests for feedback and evaluation
- Attend meetings consistently within the cluster and with cluster and lab leadership as required
- Attend Convergence Labs @VCU events, showcases, panels, proposal development sessions, etc
- Faculty engaged in Convergence Labs may have different roles and responsibilities. They include:
- Convergence Lab Leads/Co-Leads
- Cluster Chairs/Co-Chairs
- Faculty – funded or non-funded (depending on whether the faculty line is funded partly by the Office of the Provost)
- Community Partners or Associates (non-funded)
A. Convergence Lab Leads/Co-Leads
1. Appointment: All Leads/co-leads hold faculty appointments in their school/college and are appointed by the Office of the Provost to the lab leadership position. Leads must be tenured faculty, preferably full professors with significant research experience in the area as well as working and/or leading collaborative projects. Tenured associate professors may be considered if no qualified full professors are available. Lead/co-leads must have a full (100%) appointment with VCU.
2. Research and collaboration expectations:
- Promote transdisciplinary, team science research and collaboration/s within the lab and clusters to sustain the long-term work of the lab.
- Oversee and/or monitor the submission of grant proposals within and across clusters within the lab and across labs as appropriate.
- Meet with other Convergence Labs @VCU Lead and Co-Leads to promote cross-lab collaborations that are responsive to funding opportunities and academic program needs.
- Engage in outreach efforts to maintain community partner relationships and identify additional community partners and stakeholder groups aligned with the strategic priorities of the lab.
Additional details are available in the Convergence Labs @VCU Operating Manual.
B. Cluster Chairs/Co-chairs
1. Appointment: Cluster chairs and co-chairs hold faculty appointments in their School/College and are appointed by the Office of the Provost in consultation with the Convergence Lab Lead/Co-Lead. Tenure-eligible or non-tenure eligible assistant professors with at least four years of service, associate or full professors are eligible to serve as chairs or co-chairs. Tenure-eligible or non-tenure eligible assistant professors need a statement of support from their department chair and sign off from their dean prior to consideration.
Additional details are available in the Convergence Labs @VCU Operating Manual.
C. Members: Members can include Office of the Provost-funded faculty, affiliated faculty (non-funded members), community partners, associates and students. Cluster members can include VCU faculty who are 100% funded by their school/college and community partners or associates who are not VCU faculty or staff.
D. Student Participation in Convergence Labs: Convergence labs and clusters are encouraged to involve interested students (e.g., undergraduate, graduate, doctoral) in their activities as this engagement provides valuable learning experiences and mentored research opportunities.
E. Meeting Expectations of Labs and Clusters: The suggested meeting schedule is designed to support effective communication within and across clusters in a Convergence Lab and ensure bi-directional pathways of communication between clusters and Convergence Lab leads.
- Labs: The entire lab, including all cluster members, meet once a semester or as needed if say responding to a call for proposals.
- Clusters: Expected to hold regular meetings as determined by cluster needs and activities to ensure consistent progress towards goals and project implementation.
- All Convergence Labs@VCU Leads and Co-Leads are encouraged to meet once a semester to identify areas for potential collaboration.
F. Resources and Strengthening Convergence Labs @VCU
The Office of the Provost will provide guidance, resources, and organize research sessions for the Convergence Labs @VCU. Some offerings may be jointly with the Office of the Vice President for Research and Innovation and Government Relations. Additional details are provided in the Convergence Labs @VCU Operating Manual.
G. Proposing New Topics for Convergence Labs @VCU
The Office of the Provost will consider proposals for new Convergence Labs@VCU topics that are aligned with VCU’s strategic priorities. The Convergence Labs @VCU model offers a unique lens for transdisciplinary collaboration that integrates interdisciplinary research and curricular areas to provide experiential learning opportunities for students. Proposals will undergo an internal review process by the Office of the Provost in partnership with the Senior Vice President for Health Sciences, and the Vice President of Research and Innovation.
A separate internal document provides additional details for Schools/Colleges and for faculty engaged in Convergence Labs.
[1] Acknowledgments: The initial draft of this manual was shared with Deans, faculty members of the former iCubed initiative, and Senior Vice Provosts in the Office of the Provost for comments and suggestions. The revised version (December 2024) of the Operating Manual considers all the comments received.
Recommended citation: Abrams, L. and Subramaniam, M. (2024). Convergence Labs @VCU - Operating Manual. VCU Office of the Provost - Faculty Affairs internal document. Unpublished.