Distinguished Faculty Awards Program
Overview and Instructions for Submissions
The Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Administration established the Distinguished Faculty Awards Program to recognize and honor faculty who have distinguished themselves in teaching, scholarship, service and overall excellence.
The Distinguished Faculty Awards are handled by the Office of the Provost. This includes the announcement/call for nominations, the awards committee, and approval of the recommendations of the awards committee. For past awards prior to 2024 please go to the President’s website for awards.
There are seven (7) different award categories: Distinguished Teaching Award, Distinguished Scholarship Award, Distinguished Service Award, Outstanding Early Career Faculty Award, Outstanding Term Faculty Award, Outstanding Adjunct Faculty Award, and the University Award of Excellence. The eligibility criteria for each award are provided below.
Submission Requirements
In order to ensure that faculty from all schools are considered for the awards, each school or college is expected to submit at least two (2) nominations each year. Self-nominations will also be considered.
Nomination submissions must be prepared using:
- standard 8.5 x 11 page size
- standard one-inch margins
- single-spaced
- at least size 11 point Arial font
- formatting must be consistent in all narrative sections
Additional submission requirements for each award are listed under each award description. Please note: nomination packets must meet these requirements and the requirements listed under each specific award
- Each nomination package should be a maximum of 20 pages, single-sided, including the following required items:
- Cover sheet (please make a copy of the PDF to complete and submit)
- One letter of nomination and two letters of support (unless stated otherwise in the specific award section)
- For College/School nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the Dean (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- For self nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the nominee (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- For alumni nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the alumni (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- The two letters of support can come from colleagues/scholars (each a maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials- these may include some or all of the following: brief statements of a maximum 250 words each, totalling 2 single spaced pages maximum; a maximum of 3 short videos of no more than 3 minutes each
- Candidates must also submit a full curriculum vitae. This document is separate from, and in addition to, the 20-page limit on nomination materials.
- The requirements for minimum years at VCU are listed under each specific award.
- Nominees are eligible for re-nomination every three years.
Important Note: If any part of your nomination package is plagiarized -- defined as the appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit -- you will be disqualified and/or your award will be rescinded. Richard Posner's book, The Little Book of Plagiarism [NY: Random House; 2007] is a helpful resource if you would like to learn more about plagiarism.
Awards Process
The Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs shall appoint a selection committee, The University Faculty Awards Committee, and shall name the chairperson. The selection committee will consist of faculty members chosen to fairly represent each campus. To promote a more inclusive approach in evaluation of nominations, the selection committee will include three past awardees and four additional faculty members from Colleges/Schools not represented by the three past awardees. No one with the title of Dean, Vice President, Senior Vice Provost, or Vice Provost is eligible to serve on the selection committee.
All deliberations of the selection committee must be held in complete confidence. An electronic version of each nomination will be received in the Office of the Provost within the specified time frame. The Office of the Provost, Faculty Affairs will review these files to assure all submission requirements are met and then immediately share these files with the committee. At this point, the committee will begin their confidential selection process. Once the committee has reviewed and deliberated, the committee chair will forward the recommended awardees to the Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs, who will share them with the Provost for final approval.
The Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs will announce a call for nominations. Nominations may be made one of the following ways:
- A College/School nomination: The nomination process begins at the department level. Nominations can be made by faculty or staff colleagues, alumni, or the faculty member directly and submitted to the nominee’s Department Chair. These nominations will then move through the respective department review process.
- Self Nomination: A faculty member can self nominate for any award. These nominations are made directly by the nominee and submitted directly to the Office of the Provost.
- Alumni nomination: These nominations are made by an alumni submitted directly to the Office of the Provost. These nominations require a co-nomination sponsorship statement in the form of an attachment to the nomination letter from a current faculty member to assure all university guidelines are met.
In addition, the chairperson/immediate supervisor of each department is urged to review all faculty members in the department each year and make appropriate nominations. The chairperson/supervisor will prepare a thoroughly documented recommendation and forward it to the school or college faculty award committee (if applicable). Note: in the case where the faculty member to be nominated is a department chair, the nomination should be made directly to the Dean, who will be responsible for preparing the documented recommendation and forwarding it to the school or college faculty award committee. This nominee should be considered by the committee in the same manner as nominees from chairs. Individuals whose duties are primarily administrative (e.g., Deans, Vice Presidents) are not eligible for these awards. Retired or emeriti faculty are also ineligible.
The department chair/immediate supervisor or faculty award committee will review the nominations and send nominations per category to the Dean. For each nominee, the Dean will prepare and submit a letter of nomination summarizing the accomplishments of the nominee, and submit the nomination package to the Office of the Provost by uploading the nomination documents to the google folder provided by the Office of the Provost. Self-nominees may submit packages directly to the Office of the Provost (vpfacaffrs@vcu.edu) by requesting a google folder for uploading their materials.
The Provost & Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs will publicly announce the award recipients. Details of an awards reception will be made available. Recipients will be named on the Awards website prior to the awards reception.
2025 Timeline
Action |
2025 Dates |
Nominations due to the Department Chair and/or Department Faculty Committee (if applicable) |
February 10 |
Nominations due from the Department Chair to the Dean |
February 24 |
Nominations due from the Dean’s Office to the Office of the Provost |
March 10 |
Self nominations due to the Office of the Provost |
March 10 |
Notice to Award Recipients |
mid May |
To ensure that members of all faculty are considered for these prestigious awards, each school or college is asked to submit at least two (2) nominations per year. Self-nominations are considered additional submissions. Please see table above for submission deadlines. Google folders will be made available to deans to upload an electronic copy of each nomination packet. For self-nominations, please email Faculty Affairs, Office of the Provost, at vpfacaffrs@vcu.edu well in advance of the deadline of March 10, 2025 for access to the google folders. All nominations are due to the Office of the Provost on March 10, 2025. Award recipients will be notified by the middle of May.
Nature of Award:
One award of $3,500 and a non-monetary gift.
Open to all current full-time faculty members with at least five years of consecutive full-time employment at VCU.
A recipient of this award should have achieved superior accomplishment consistent with Quest 2028, specifically in the area of teaching. A recipient of this award should be recognized as being an outstanding teacher. This may be evidenced by being an inspiration to students; by utilizing stimulating techniques, materials and methods designed to promote learning; by outstanding attention to the development of curriculum, learning materials and teaching strategies; by serving in a teaching capacity outside the classroom and University; or by any combination of the above.
Nomination Materials:
In conjunction with the submission requirements listed above, nomination packages should include:
- A teaching philosophy statement (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- Excerpts from narrative student comments on course evaluations (maximum 2 single spaced pages)
- Additional supporting materials, reflecting innovation in teaching and learning within the last three years. This may include some or all of the following: (maximum 1000 words)
- description of recent (in the last three years) courses taught
- description of recent new courses taught
- description of recent new assignments created
- description of recent innovations to instructional materials
- description of recent experimentation in teaching methods and techniques
- description of recent study abroad work
- description of recent experiential learning work
- description of recent curricular work (curriculum development and/or curriculum revision)
- list of scholarship published on teaching and learning and if possible, hyperlinked to the full work
- A letter of nomination (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- For College/School nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the Dean
- For self nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the nominee
- For alumni nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the alumni
- 2 letters of support (each a maximum of 3 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials - This may include some or all of the following:
- Brief statements with each being 250 words (maximum 250 words each and a total maximum of 2 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 250 word limit
- Short videos of no more than 3 minutes each (maximum 3 videos)
- Videos should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 3 minute limit
- A summary of standardized course evaluations from the past 3 years with scores for measures (this is not included in the page limits for the nomination packet or the word limits mentioned in this section)
- A full curriculum vitae (this does not count toward the 20 page limit of the nomination packet)
Nature of Award:
One award of $3,500 and a non-monetary gift.
Open to all current full-time faculty members with at least five years of consecutive full-time employment at VCU.
A recipient of this award should have achieved superior accomplishment consistent with Quest 2028, specifically in the area of scholarship. A recipient of this award should be recognized as an outstanding scholar as defined in their discipline. The individual should have demonstrated a pattern of productive scholarly activity which has been recognized nationally or internationally, as appropriate. Traditional research, creative endeavors and other scholarly activities are included in this category.
Nomination Materials:
In conjunction with the submission requirements listed above, nomination packages should include:
- A statement regarding the recipient’s research and scholarly contributions, and trajectory as well as impact. (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- Up to five samples of scholarly work, listed as references and, if possible, hyperlinked to the full work (maximum 1 page)
- A letter of nomination (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- For College/School nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the Dean
- For self nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the nominee
- For alumni nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the alumni
- 2 letters of support (each a maximum of 3 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials - This may include some or all of the following:
- Brief statements with each being 250 words (maximum 250 words each and a total maximum of 2 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 250 word limit
- Short videos of no more than 3 minutes each (maximum 3 videos)
- Videos should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 3 minute limit
- A full curriculum vitae (this does not count toward the 20 page limit of the nomination packet)
Nature of Award:
One award of $3,500 and a non-monetary gift.
Open to all current full-time faculty members with at least five years of consecutive full-time employment at VCU.
A recipient of this award should have achieved superior accomplishment consistent with Quest 2028, specifically in the area of service. A recipient of this award should have performed superior service to the University, the profession and/or the wider community. This may be evidenced by activities which extend beyond normal expectations, unique contributions or long- standing leadership and impact on the University and beyond.
Nomination Materials:
In conjunction with the submission requirements listed above, nomination packages should include:
- A statement regarding the recipient’s service contributions, philosophy and impact of service activities. (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- A list and description of service activities within the last three years (maximum 2 single spaced pages). This may include:
- Department service
- College/School service
- University Service
- Professional/Discipline Service
- Community Service
- A letter of nomination (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- For College/School nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the Dean
- For self nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the nominee
- For alumni nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the alumni
- 2 letters of support (each a maximum of 3 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials - This may include some or all of the following:
- Brief statements with each being 250 words (maximum 250 words each and a total maximum of 2 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 250 word limit
- Short videos of no more than 3 minutes each (maximum 3 videos)
- Videos should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 3 minute limit
- A full curriculum vitae (this does not count toward the 20 page limit of the nomination packet)
Nature of Award:
One award of $3,500 and a non-monetary gift.
Open to all current full-time tenured and tenure track faculty at the rank of Associate Professor, and below. A recipient of this award should have been no more than 6 years in ranked positions, with at least three years of those at VCU.
A recipient of this award should have achieved superior accomplishment consistent with Quest 2028 and in the areas of teaching, research and scholarship, and service.
Nomination Materials:
In conjunction with the submission requirements listed above, nomination packages should include:
- A statement regarding the recipient’s achievements and progress in the areas of teaching, research and scholarship, and service within his or her first five years in the professoriate. (maximum of 2 single spaced pages)
- A letter of nomination (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- For College/School nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the Dean
- For self nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the nominee
- For alumni nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the alumni
- 2 letters of support (each a maximum of 3 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials - This may include some or all of the following:
- Brief statements with each being 250 words (maximum 250 words each and a total maximum of 2 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 250 word limit
- Short videos of no more than 3 minutes each (maximum 3 videos)
- Videos should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 3 minute limit
- A full curriculum vitae (this does not count toward the 20 page limit of the nomination packet)
For faculty nominees in a predominately teaching role, nomination packages should also include:
- A teaching philosophy statement (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- Excerpts from narrative student comments on course evaluations (maximum 2 single spaced pages)
- Additional supporting materials, reflecting innovation in teaching and learning within the last three years. This may include some or all of the following: (maximum 1000 words)
- description of recent (in the last three years) courses taught
- description of recent new courses taught
- description of recent new assignments created
- description of recent innovations to instructional materials
- description of recent experimentation in teaching methods and techniques
- description of recent study abroad work
- description of recent experiential learning work
- description of recent curricular work (curriculum development and/or curriculum revision)
- list of scholarship published on teaching and learning and if possible, hyperlinked to the full work
- A summary of standardized course evaluations from the past 3 years with scores for measures (this is not included in the page limits for the nomination packet or the word limits mentioned in this section)
- A statement regarding the recipient’s service philosophy and impact of service activities. (maximum of 1 single spaced page)
For faculty members in a predominately research/creative works role, nomination packets should also include:
- A statement of the faculty members’ research and scholarly contributions and trajectory, as well as impact (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- Up to five samples of scholarly work, listed as references and, if possible, hyperlinked to the full work (maximum 1 single spaced page)
Nature of Award:
One award of $3,500 and a non-monetary gift.
Open to all current full-time term faculty at the rank of Instructor and higher who have at least five consecutive years of employment at VCU.
A recipient of this award should have achieved superior accomplishment consistent with Quest 2028, and in the areas of teaching, research and scholarship, and service.
Nomination Materials:
In conjunction with the submission requirements listed above, nomination packages should include:
- A statement regarding the recipient’s achievements and progress in the areas of teaching, research and scholarship, and service (Maximum of 2 single spaced pages)
- A letter of nomination (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- For College/School nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the Dean
- For self nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the nominee
- For alumni nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the alumni
- 2 letters of support (each a maximum of 3 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials - This may include some or all of the following:
- Brief statements with each being 250 words (maximum 250 words each and a total maximum of 2 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 250 word limit
- Short videos of no more than 3 minutes each (maximum 3 videos)
- Videos should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 3 minute limit
- A full curriculum vitae (this does not count toward the 20 page limit of the nomination packet)
For faculty nominees in a predominately teaching role, nomination packages should also include:
- A teaching philosophy statement (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- Excerpts from narrative student comments on course evaluations (maximum 2 single spaced pages)
- Additional supporting materials, reflecting innovation in teaching and learning within the last three years. This may include some or all of the following: (maximum 1000 words)
- description of recent (in the last three years) courses taught
- description of recent new courses taught
- description of recent new assignments created
- description of recent innovations to instructional materials
- description of recent experimentation in teaching methods and techniques
- description of recent study abroad work
- description of recent experiential learning work
- description of recent curricular work (curriculum development and/or curriculum revision)
- list of scholarship published on teaching and learning and if possible, hyperlinked to the full work
- A summary of standardized course evaluations from the past 3 years with scores for measures (this is not included in the page limits for the nomination packet or the word limits mentioned in this section)
- A statement regarding the recipient’s service contributions, philosophy and impact of service activities (maximum 1 single spaced page)
For faculty members in a predominately research/creative works role, nomination packets should also include:
- A statement of the faculty members’ research and scholarly contributions and trajectory, as well as impact (maximum of 3 single spaced pages)
- Up to five samples of scholarly work, listed as references and, if possible, hyperlinked to the full work (maximum 1 single spaced page)
Nature of Award:
One award of $3,500 and a non-monetary gift.
Open to all adjunct faculty who have been employed by VCU for a minimum of three years.
A recipient of this award should have achieved superior accomplishment consistent with Quest 2028, specifically with a record of accomplishment in teaching and pedagogical practices, and evidence of outstanding student learning outcomes in courses taught. They will have exhibited excellence in leadership, teaching, and dedication to student success. Note: Nominations may not be made by students.
Please note: the required materials for this award are significantly different from the requirements listed in the general requirements section. Please refer to these specific requirements when submitting nominations for this award.
Nomination Materials:
In conjunction with the criteria above, nomination packages must include the following:
- A nomination letter spotlighting the nominee’s contribution to their students and the effect of this work (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- For College/School nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the Dean
- For self nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the nominee
- For alumni nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the alumni
- A personal teaching statement describing their unique teaching philosophy and background (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- Current curriculum vitae
Nature of Award:
One award of $3,500 and a non-monetary gift.
Open to all current full-time tenured, tenure-track, and term faculty who have at least seven years of consecutive employment at VCU.
A recipient of this award should have achieved superior accomplishment consistent with Quest 2028. A recipient of this award should have performed in a superior manner in teaching, scholarly activity and service as described above. This award is one of the highest honors the University can bestow on one of its faculty and is awarded only to an exceptional individual.
Nomination Materials:
In conjunction with the criteria above, nomination packages should include:
- A statement of research and scholarly contributions and trajectory as well as impact (maximum 2 single spaced pages)
- A statement of service contributions, philosophy and impact of service activities (maximum 2 single spaced pages)
- A statement regarding the recipient’s teaching philosophy, (maximum of 2 single spaced pages)
- Excerpts from narrative student comments on course evaluations (maximum 2 single spaced pages)
- Additional supporting materials, reflecting innovation in teaching and learning within the last three years. This may include some or all of the following: (maximum 1000 words)
- description of recent (in the last three years) courses taught
- description of recent new courses taught
- description of recent new assignments created
- description of recent innovations to instructional materials
- description of recent experimentation in teaching methods and techniques
- description of recent study abroad work
- description of recent experiential learning work
- description of recent curricular work (curriculum development and/or curriculum revision)
- list of scholarship published on teaching and learning and if possible, hyperlinked to the full work
- A letter of nomination (maximum 3 single spaced pages)
- For College/School nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the Dean
- For self nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the nominee
- For alumni nominations, the letter of nomination must be written by the alumni
- 2 letters of support (each a maximum of 3 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials - This may include some or all of the following:
- Brief statements with each being 250 words (maximum 250 words each and a total maximum of 2 single spaced pages)
- Testimonials should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 250 word limit
- Short videos of no more than 3 minutes each (maximum 3 videos)
- Videos should include the writer’s name, affiliation and connection to the nominee. This information does NOT count toward the 3 minute limit
- A summary of standardized course evaluations from the past 3 years with scores for measures (this is not included in the page limits for the nomination packet or the word limits mentioned in this section)
- A full curriculum vitae (this does not count toward the 20 page limit of the nomination packet)
For clarifications or questions, please email vpfacaffrs@vcu.edu.
For details on 2024 Distinguished Faculty Awards instructions, click here.
Distinguished Scholarship Award
Dr. Yan Zhang, Professor, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, School of Pharmacy
Distinguished Service Award
Dr. Charlene Crawley, Teaching Associate Professor Coordinator, B.S. Interdisciplinary Science Program, Department of Chemistry, College of Humanities and Sciences
Distinguished Teaching Award
Dr. Shelli Fowler, Associate Professor, Department of English, College of Humanities and Sciences
Outstanding Early Career Award
Dr. Xuewei Wang, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, College of Humanities and Sciences
Outstanding Term Faculty Award
Dr. Marcie Wright, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Associate Director for the Center on Health Disparities, School of Public Health
University Excellence Award
Dr. William Dewey, Professor & Chair, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, School of Medicine