Support for Faculty Networking in the Academy

Some of the VCU Faculty Women of Color in the Academy (FWCA) attendees, many of which were funded by the Office of the Provost - Faculty Affairs, 2024.
Providing opportunities for faculty to engage in academic spaces within and outside the institution is key to networking, growing, and collaborating. The goal is to support faculty to participate in conferences or other programs to network beyond VCU.
In continuing to provide opportunities for faculty support to network in academic spaces, the Office of the Provost co-sponsored the Faculty Women of Color in the Academy (FWCA) conference held April 11-14, 2024, in Arlington, VA. This annual conference serves as a networking place for all faculty.
The Provost’s Office co-sponsored the conference at the Gold level ($5,000) which allowed for a half-page and a banner ad for the conference app. Additionally, the conference registration fee was covered for twelve faculty members who responded to an announcement in TelegRAM based on a first-come/first served basis. The sponsored faculty members were:
- MK Abadoo
- T'Airra Belcher
- Brooke Berry
- Jazmin Brown
- Nicole Corley
- Dina Garcia
- Grace Gipson
- Sharrie Merritte
- Anita Nadal
- Archana Pathak
- Elgie Sherrod
- Qasarah Spencer