
Policy review is required periodically to improve implementation, ensure consistency and alignment across policies, and update policies to comply with current practices in higher education policy. 

In 2024, an ad hoc Faculty Policy Committee is being created to ensure faculty have an opportunity to provide insights and recommendations on amendments to faculty-related policies at the outset of the process. The committee will not write policy per se, rather the committee will provide recommendations for consideration. The policy revision process will follow the standard procedures as outlined in VCU’s  Creating and Maintaining Policies and Procedures. Faculty input is essential to this process as it ensures that policies reflect faculty interests and consider the varied nature of faculty roles and responsibilities. 

Members of the committee will represent a diverse group of faculty across units, roles, responsibilities and will include representatives to the VCU Faculty Senate as well. Committee members have standard terms to ensure consistency and continued progress from year-to-year. 

Several faculty-related VCU policies need updating and a new policy on parental leave needs to be revised by the Faculty Policy Committee. Beginning in Fall 2024 the committee will meet to review three policies and submit recommendations to the Provost.  A new cycle of policy review and recommendations will start in spring 2025.